Please double-check to ensure all phone numbers you are entering in are correct.
Checking All Numbers
Click into, then out of, each phone number to have them automatically validated for you. They will be highlighted in red if the phone number is invalid.
Please check to ensure both your phone number and the phone numbers for your referees to ensure they aren't showing a red box around them.
Phone Number Country
Please ensure you have selected the correct Country from the selector box, located just to the left-hand side of the phone number itself. That country's flag will be displayed in the box once the country has been selected.
If the person has an Australian phone number but is living in New Zealand, for example, you will still need to select Australia.
Number of Digits
Please ensure all phone numbers entered in have the correct number of digits.
Phone Number Type
It is recommended you enter in your referee's mobile phone number so they can also be invited to complete your reference through a link sent in an SMS message.
Either the referee's mobile phone number or landline number can be used, but the landline should only be entered in if you have also provided the referee's email address. Otherwise, the referee cannot automatically be contacted to provide an online reference.
If providing a landline number, you will need to include the state code as part of the number.
Please reach out to or through the Referoo Chatbot on any Referoo page if you have any questions!